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Terms of Reference



1.      These Terms of Reference (TOR) set out the role, responsibilities and requirements of the Kāpiti Health Advisory Group (KHAG). They will be reviewed periodically to ensure they represent the changing requirements of the Kāpiti Coast District Council (the Council) and the wider stakeholders of the Kāpiti District. A review will occur at the publication of the Council’s Health Strategy.

2.      For the purposes of defining the KHAG scope of work, ‘health’ includes consideration of related matters that contribute to the direction of the Health Strategy.


2.      For the purposes of defining the KHAG scope of work, ‘health’ includes consideration of related matters that contribute to the direction of the Health Strategy.


3.      Health is one of ten Council priorities set for the 2023/24 -2026/27 period and a key area of focus in the Annual Plan 2023/24. The key purpose of KHAG is to provide experience and evidence-based advice to the Council primarily through its Social Sustainability Subcommittee (the Subcommittee) to support and pro-actively contribute to its health-related work, including work relating to disability services. This includes a key focus on supporting the development of Council’s Health Strategy and Vision 2060 work for Health.


4.      The scope of the KHAG work is to:

4.1      Understand and provide a joined-up view and advice to Council on:

  • the health services provided within the Kāpiti District;

  • who the providers of those services are;

  • the health requirements of the Kāpiti community and their health services experiences; and

  • health needs and service trends and projections in the short, medium and long terms;

4.2      Analyse the responses of health service organisations to Kāpiti community requirements and determine how and where needs are being met and where gaps exist now and in the future;

4.3      Determine and then present to the Council an assessment of the Kāpiti community health status and opportunities for gaps to be addressed;

4.4      Research the effectiveness of Council supported health initiatives and report back on any required changes;

4.5      Provide input into the Health Strategy being developed by Council;

4.6      Provide advice on other health related matters as agreed with the Subcommittee.

5.      KHAG work will not include:

5.1      Provision of health and wellbeing services;

5.2      Implementation of changes to health services;

5.3      Advice on matters that are not heath or health related; and

6.      KHAG will not bypass the Council when collaborating with stakeholders.

7.      KHAG will have regard to the role of Council and its elected members in engagement with the community and other organisations and authorities. It will seek Council’s agreement and desire to be involved in proactive engagement undertaken in relation to Council business. This may be via an agreed work plan, or on a case-by-case basis.

8.      KHAG will work within the parameters outlined in legislation set for Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora regarding the establishment of locality boundaries and plans, and for health work more generally.

9.      KHAG advice will be based on:

9.1      The wellbeing roles and responsibilities of the Local Government Act 2002;

9.2      The Pae Ora Act 2022, including but not confined to engagement over localities and locality planning;

9.3      Engagement with Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand) and Te Aka Whai Ora (Māori Health Authority) to promote and advance the design, establishment and funding of healthcare and wellbeing services for Kāpiti.  Such engagement to be noted in the Annual Work Programme or discussed with the Council as appropriate;

9.4      Engagement with health organisations and other non-government organisations (including providers) on healthcare and wellbeing issues and on opportunities to improve access to healthcare and wellbeing services for the Kāpiti population as outlined in the Annual Work Programme and as required to maintain good relations with groups;

9.5      Interaction with the Kāpiti population and Kapiti organisations to determine their assessments of health status and needs as indicated in the Annual Work Programme;

9.6      Information on the impact and outcomes of the Council’s strategies, plans and initiatives for the potential improvement of Kāpiti health outcomes; and

9.7      Assessment of the resource requirements, including funding, workforce and facilities, to support health initiatives.

Plan and Deliverables

10.      KHAG will develop a work plan, including engagements and deliverables, each year for review and approval by the Subcommittee.

11.      The KHAG Chair will provide a brief written report on progress against plan at the six weekly meetings of the Subcommittee as appropriate to keep the Subcommittee up to date with progress against the work plan and representatives of KHAG will report in person to the Subcommittee at least quarterly.

Funding and Administrative Support

12.      KHAG may submit to Council for approval an annual proposal for specific funding to enable KHAG to undertake its agreed work. This will be discussed at the time of consideration of the work plan for the upcoming year.

13.      Kāpiti Coast District Council will provide administrative support to the running of KHAG meetings.

14.      Council staff will be available to support the functioning of KHAG, including providing information regarding work on the Health Strategy and Vision 2060 Health work for KHAG to advise on. The Group Manager (Strategy and Growth) or a delegate, will attend monthly meetings to support the work.


15.      KHAG will comprise:

  • Up to 12 members from the Kāpiti Community (one of whom will be Chair and one Deputy Chair)

  • 5 of these members (being leaders of Working Groups) plus the Chair and Deputy Chair will form the Executive Committee

  • The Chair of the Subcommittee will maintain a relationship with KHAG and may be supported by other representatives with an interest in the work of KHAG (to be agreed between the Chair of the Subcommittee and the Chair of KHAG).

  • Working groups comprising other individuals and representatives of Kāpiti organisations will be set up to work on specific issues, each led by a member of the Executive Committee. Working Groups have no membership limitation.

  • Membership is voluntary and positions are not remunerated, consistent with other advisory groups to Council.

  • The Chair and Deputy Chair will be appointed by the Chair of the Subcommittee.

  • Membership will be for three years aligned with the local authority triennium.  Replacements for people who leave will be recommended to the Subcommittee by the Chair of KHAG.

  • Members may also be designated as a Finance Committee for KHAG to assist in the management of any funds received to support its work.

  • Initial membership under these ToR will comprise members currently actively involved in the work of KHAG as outlined below:


16.      Membership of the Group is as follows:​​


Chair - Sandra Daly

Deputy Chair - Jackie Cumming


Team Leaders

Mental Health - Graham Scott

Public Health - Don Hunn (Finance Committee)

Access to Services - Ian Powell

Children and Young People - Liz Annandale



​Clare Hyne

Iride McCloy (Finance Committee)

James Crombie

Helen Anderson


17.      KHAG reports to the Social Sustainability Subcommittee of the Council. It is expected that an update will be provided to the Subcommittee at least quarterly, noting progress against each work plan item with a brief written supplementary report to be provided to other six weekly Subcommittee meetings as required to keep the Subcommittee updated on progress.

18.      KHAG may consider other relevant matters providing they are consistent with these terms of reference and not inconsistent with positions of the Subcommittee. It will ensure Council is aware of this activity and discuss with the Subcommittee as required.

Operating Model

19.      KHAG will meet monthly and operate a monthly planning and implementation cycle.

20.      Working groups will also meet separately to progress their parts of the work plan. Each Working Group will report progress on their work to the KHAG monthly meeting through its lead.

21.      KHAG will seek to establish sound relationships with Kāpiti mana whenua as may be required above the Council’s existing relationship and responsibility to engage with mana whenua.

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